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(1 edit)

Game is a bit weird. it has potential but it's kinda scary.

it's like gmod_construct . its scary cause you know nothings real. and it freak you out that your alone.

edit: its a okay game btw :) keep it up!

Hello Neweer! Thanks very much man! I am working on it to make it playable for hours but still working on another game! Follow me to get it when its uploaded. Again thanks alot!!!

At least it has Potential ;)

Deleted 2 years ago
(6 edits)

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Pedestrians are available when you get close to the ground

Found a bug on mission 4... sorry for that. I am building Potential 2 and will make sure no such bugs are occurring...

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WASD - Movement

CapsLock - Toggle Walk/Run

LShift - Sprint

C - Toggle Crouch

Space - Jumb

LMB - Grapple/Swing (Both are the same)

V - Grapple Pull (Duel Hand)

Q - Attack

WASD + LShift + Space - Dodge